Tastes Like Burning

tlb photo

Between 2004 and 2005, I played bass in a rock group called Tastes Like Burning. This was completely different from my experience with Afternights. Rather than mostly messing around with instruments and computers alike, this was much more a rock band kind of deal. We jammed, wrote songs, played some gigs, and had a good time. As Afternights was hazy, creative, and multi-faceted, this was a band whose members gelled around a particular approach and spent their efforts on improving and refining it. The result is a kind of riff-rock not unlike R.E.M. or Red Hot Chili Peppers (we actually covered a couple RHCP songs while we were playing). Unfortunately, we didn’t get around to recording much, and the only studio version of any of our songs is Exposed, listed below. The group dissolved shortly after I left Colorado to begin graduate school in Chicago.

Ania Borysiewich: vocals
Jon Casler: drums
Cam Cross: fretless bass
Jed Whittaker: guitar
Kevin Emery (off and on): piano

Live at People's Republic:
  • 8 Feels Gr8: One of the two songs wrote when Kevin was in the band. I wrote the basic riff(s), Kevin added the chorus and finale, and Ania put in some awesome lyrics. It's a wierd song - Ania and I heard the song differently, i.e., her beat 1 was my beat 3, and after some inital surprise and confusion on my part, we worked it into the song seamlessly. One of our best.
  • Exposed: The other song with Kevin, and one of my favorites. It's classic Cam-Kevin song writing, plus Ania's innovative vocal melodies. A moody, dreamy song Ania wrote about a boy she was seeing who loved to climb mountains and watch the sun rise.
  • Contrary: An early song. It's actually not nearly as complex as our later stuff, just good ol' reliable Am-D and a chorus, but it was always a great song live.
  • Green Lights: Written in a desperate attempt to get enough material for the Republic Show. I really like how this turned out. A very strange guitar-bass interplay that reminds me of Radiohead in its dissonance.
  • Paste: Based off a song I wrote on the acoustic guitar, one of our finest moments in songwriting. This is when bands are at their best - I thought it was a good song before, but once it had been processed through the band it was far more powerful than anything I could have come up on my own.
  • Excuse Me: The first Kamran/Jed collaboration, mostly Jed's creation. It was a fun song to play, but I think we were still getting used to each other and our songwriting substantially improved after this one.
  • Unwanted: I had little to do with this song - it was mostly Jed and Ania being brilliant together. In fact, I never really found a bass line I liked until our very last show - probably because it's extremely dark and heavy, a style I normally don't delve in.
  • Paystub: I wrote most of this on the bass before taking it to the band, so it feels much more like a Kamran tune than something like Unwanted. I even got to fumble through a bass solo on this one!
  • Dead and Bloated: We're not terribly good at covers, but we did this one a couple times when it looked like we needed some harder rock on our set.
  • High and Dry: Jon and I had been playing this Radiohead tune since we started out with Andre. We finally let the poor thing die sometime in August, after a year of abuse.

Studio Recordings:
  • 8 Feels Gr8: Early garage recording of the tune with Kevin playing, just to give you an idea of the origins of the song.
  • Exposed: Recorded at Fiske Planetarium, this is, to date, the highest-quality recording we've produced. This features both Kevin on piano and Jed on guitar.
  • You: Kind of a side project, but it features three of the four of us, so I'll put it here. I wrote this song for Rea's birthday and had Jon and Jed help me out with it, for which I was extremely grateful. I would have loved to have done this as a group with Ania singing it, but we never got around to it.

Video Clip: Live at Eck's Saloon
  • Hi-qual (approx. 9MB): This was our first post-Kevin gig, and we were a little rocky, but it's fun to watch. Features the first two-thirds of Contrary (before the camera batteries died)
I do hope to re-record some of these songs in the future. When I do, I’ll post them here.