Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Album progress

Things are coming along nicely. Dave's guitar does just the trick when I want nice jangly IN TUNE arpeggios, so I mostly did the slow stuff. I also discovered that I do have some pretty nice guitar work down from last summer that I can still use, so I'm looking at a good five-six songs basically down already (sans vocals, which is blah). I also had the extreme pleasure of recording the setar for the first time. It sounds wicked cool, even if it forced me to hear all the little problems in my technique. Here's where I'm now at:

Woodland cave (Setar song) -- I'll probably have to re-do the whole thing, since the setar intro was meh and the instruments weren't quite in tune with each other, but it sounds AWESOME.
Exposed (needs bass)
Trigun song (needs title) :)
When I am sane (yes!!)
Dirt (still good from last year)
Emily (has good guitars, just needs an electric when I get home)
Flowers (still has good guitars, although the rest of the song ..?)

So things are looking good!

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