Monday, August 23, 2010

WIP #6 - Fiveeight

This song definitely needs a title. It's a really fun song based off a riff in a slightly unusual time signature, what I think would be 13/8, because it is essentially a 6/8 beat with an extra eighth note at the end, i.e., 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3-4 repeat. I love the extra space this beat gives me to play with, and although the song is, up to now, purely instrumental, I could totally see adding lyrics, which could make the spacey quality of the song really pop out. However, it works well as is, too, although I think it could do with less synth-y sounds. The bass and guitar, of course, are live.

Any suggestions on how the song could develop, or a good title, are more than welcome.

Thirteen by brotherwren