Ania Borysiewich: vocals
Jon Casler: drums
Cam Cross: fretless bass
Jed Whittaker: guitar
Kevin Emery (off and on): piano
Live at People's Republic:
- 8 Feels Gr8: One of the two songs wrote when Kevin was in the band. I wrote the basic riff(s), Kevin added the chorus and finale, and Ania put in some awesome lyrics. It's a wierd song - Ania and I heard the song differently, i.e., her beat 1 was my beat 3, and after some inital surprise and confusion on my part, we worked it into the song seamlessly. One of our best.
- Exposed: The other song with Kevin, and one of my favorites. It's classic Cam-Kevin song writing, plus Ania's innovative vocal melodies. A moody, dreamy song Ania wrote about a boy she was seeing who loved to climb mountains and watch the sun rise.
- Contrary: An early song. It's actually not nearly as complex as our later stuff, just good ol' reliable Am-D and a chorus, but it was always a great song live.
- Green Lights: Written in a desperate attempt to get enough material for the Republic Show. I really like how this turned out. A very strange guitar-bass interplay that reminds me of Radiohead in its dissonance.
- Paste: Based off a song I wrote on the acoustic guitar, one of our finest moments in songwriting. This is when bands are at their best - I thought it was a good song before, but once it had been processed through the band it was far more powerful than anything I could have come up on my own.
- Excuse Me: The first Kamran/Jed collaboration, mostly Jed's creation. It was a fun song to play, but I think we were still getting used to each other and our songwriting substantially improved after this one.
- Unwanted: I had little to do with this song - it was mostly Jed and Ania being brilliant together. In fact, I never really found a bass line I liked until our very last show - probably because it's extremely dark and heavy, a style I normally don't delve in.
- Paystub: I wrote most of this on the bass before taking it to the band, so it feels much more like a Kamran tune than something like Unwanted. I even got to fumble through a bass solo on this one!
- Dead and Bloated: We're not terribly good at covers, but we did this one a couple times when it looked like we needed some harder rock on our set.
- High and Dry: Jon and I had been playing this Radiohead tune since we started out with Andre. We finally let the poor thing die sometime in August, after a year of abuse.
Studio Recordings:
- 8 Feels Gr8: Early garage recording of the tune with Kevin playing, just to give you an idea of the origins of the song.
- Exposed: Recorded at Fiske Planetarium, this is, to date, the highest-quality recording we've produced. This features both Kevin on piano and Jed on guitar.
- You: Kind of a side project, but it features three of the four of us, so I'll put it here. I wrote this song for Rea's birthday and had Jon and Jed help me out with it, for which I was extremely grateful. I would have loved to have done this as a group with Ania singing it, but we never got around to it.
Video Clip: Live at Eck's Saloon
- Hi-qual (approx. 9MB): This was our first post-Kevin gig, and we were a little rocky, but it's fun to watch. Features the first two-thirds of Contrary (before the camera batteries died)